Twin Peaks: non-exist-ent

The non-exist-ent is a void. It is the non-space that exists between all spaces. In order for something to be defined, there must be something else to compare it to. The non-exist-ent, therefore, can only be defined by what exists. As such, the non-exist-ent is infinitesimally small, able to fit between the tiniest of particles of reality, and at the same time nearly infinite in size, as it flows through, between and around, every possible reality that ever has, does, or will exist.
It is fundamental to the nature of Reality (with a capital R) that every possibility exists as a potential, and it is only in the presence of the observer, a consciousness, that these infinite potentialities are collapsed down into a singular energy wave pattern, or expression of reality, at any given moment, as defined by that consciousness. In short, we create our own realities. Or to put it in other terms, we are the dreamers who dream and then live inside of our own dream.
Given that every possibility must exist, so too must the existence of nonexistence exist as a possibility. The two are one and the same, two birds in one stone, the yin and the yang of Reality with a capital R. With every expansion of existence, with every creative thought that produces physicality out of possibility, so too must non-existence expand in order to house it. Given that existence has nowhere to expand into, except for non-existence, non-existence has nowhere to expand except from within its self. This creates an enormous pressure within non-existence which creates cracks or holes upon the surface of existence. What at first may appear as a field of stars to the casual Twin Peaks viewer are actually these holes from the non-exist-ent into various existences at various times and places. It is important to remember that time its self is a function of perception, a perception of consciousness and therefore a function of physical reality or existence. Time its self does not, therefore, exist within non-existence. This is why Cooper can gaze out through the Lodge curtain at one point in time, when Mr. C. is driving through the desert of South Carolina just before his accident, and then appear at an earlier time within the Glass Box in New York after passing through the non-exist-ent. He is cast out through a hole at a different place and time from where he went into the non-exist-ent. It is also this pressure produced by the expansion of the non-exist-ent from within its self which allows it to naturally force any form of existence, such as Cooper himself, out of the non-exist-ent non-space, where it does not belong.
The Glass Box its self was created by Mr. C. to attract and to trap Cooper out of the non-exist-ent. When the Evolution of the Arm’s Doppelganger cast Cooper into the non-exist-ent, it was in cooperation with Cooper’s own Doppelganger, Mr. C., to spring this trap. Because a reality requires an observer to create it, however, and because that consciousness, in the form of Sam, was not present and observing the box as he should have been at the moment of Cooper’s arrival in order to fix him into that reality, Cooper was not trapped there. Instead the existing perception of reality, that of an empty space within the box, re-asserted its self and cast Cooper back out through the hole into the non-exist-ent from which he had come, and Cooper was eventually cast back out of another hole into a reality on the Ocean of Consciousness. Here it was the consciousness of the ocean its self which helped fix him into that reality.